The Little Things Thursdays: #1

One of the blogs I follow A Beautiful Ruckus has been doing this awesome link-up party called The Little Things Thursdays. She has been doing this for a while since she is on #98 of these suckers!!

Let’s start with 1 and see how long I can keep this trend up!

From Rebecca’s blog:

Welcome to The Little Things Thursday!!
If you are new, we like to take a minute to look back on the little things that brightened our week. So often we get busy and forget all of the things that we enjoy as we go through our daily lives. This is an opportunity to stop, remember, and enjoy those things! Nothing is too small…in fact, the smaller the better! That’s the whole point! If you have a blog, leave a link in a comment below! If you don’t blog, I’d love for you to participate by leaving a moment in a comment anyway. Ready?
1. This adorable fellow. I love this creature. I’ve been his human for 5 years in December and he was worth every minute of it. Even the night when I first brought him home and he had horrendous GI issues from stress and excitement and it was a red color (sorry if it’s TMI I’m a nurse and nothing grosses me out but I’m trying to keep it PC for you guys) and I rushed him to the Doggy Hospital that night. That was not fun but he still rocks!

Little Things ThursdaysIn this picture if I remember correctly I decided he needed to be wearing a scarf (one of mine in fact) and he’s cuddling with his bear that he destroyed in .02seconds after receiving it. I think he was also glaring at the BF.

2. My picture taking skills are subpar! Anyway this is my little thing #2 a diffuser bracelet I made. It is lava rock beads and azurite. Generally the scent from the essential oils lasts about 2-3 days on the lava rocks. They absorb them SLooooOWLY so be aware of that. I will put up a tutorial soon on how I went about making this bad boy. It was quite fun! I love it because it is quite little (I have pretty small hands) but when I get stressed and don’t have an oil bottle or diffuser nearby (driving or dealing with a tough patient) I can just subtly bring my hand to my nose and inhale to get the benefits of the EO I put on the rocks.


Little Things Thursdays


3. This one might seem silly but I made my bed and it is actually so rewarding to climb into a nice freshly made bed. I know the BF appreciates it and it’s one of those things I didn’t have ingrained into me during childhood so I often forget. (Like, for instance, this morning.) It is also nice to look at throughout the day it makes me feel like, “Well you already made the bed so you better pick up the rest of your house!” (Honestly sometimes just the bed gets made!)

Little Things Thursdays

4. The last thing would have to be getting a Facebook message from your dear friend & upline leader Rebecca of A Beautiful Ruckus (umm, yup the person hosting this link-up!) letting you know she sent you an email but it might have gone to spam because it wasn’t from her. I found the email and it was so sweet of her to bless me. I’ve never met her in person but she’s a wonderful person! Very thoughtful and kind. Plus she has quadruplets and still manages to find time to chat with me almost nightly!

Alright so I think your next step would be to either write your own Little Things Thursday post and then link up to Rebecca’s blog OR comment on her post with your Little Things if you don’t have a blog!




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